We had just finished in DHS/CPS court, and you know what I am talking about if you have been there. This was about my fifth DHS/CPS case and to be honest I was about to be finished with these cases altogether. I had noticed an obvious pattern - frustration for the client and me was the norm. And DHS/CPS got whatever they wanted. Discovery rules didn’t seem to apply. Everything, and I mean everything, was stacked in the favor of DHS/CPS. The judge believed everything the State had to say and nothing my client had to say. Worse, the judge cut us off anytime we tried to introduce helpful evidence. In a word, we felt railroaded. This is not to mention how bad it was for the poor souls who were there pro se (without an attorney and representing themselves).
DHS/CPS court is relentless. It drags on for months sometimes years. There are staffings that you have to attend; hearings that you have to attend; home inspections that you have to attend; drug tests you have to take – and then take again; classes you have to attend; counseling you have to attend. The list is exhausting. If your children are in DHS/CPS custody they may not even be living in the same city as you. You might have to travel across the state just to get visitation. How in the world is a hard-working parent supposed to keep a steady job and get all of this stuff completed?
I decided that day after court that if I was going to keep taking these cases then we had to figure out how to win them. These cases are a different breed and most attorneys don’t want anything to do with them. We were going to have to have a completely different approach and be just as relentless as the system if we were going to stand a chance.
That decision that day made all the difference. We still have our challenges in DHS/CPS court, but now we know how to handle them – and win them. And we can do the same for you. So if you’re tired of trying to fight your case on your own, or you’re just getting started, give us a call. We know the struggle…and we’re ready to help you put your family back together.