Payment Information
How will I be billed?
Most of our clients will be billed at an hourly rate, however in some situations flat fee or contingency fee options are available. Typically, clients must make a minimum fee payment towards an operating retainer at the beginning of the case.
Are payment plans available?
Our firm works with a third party to offer a Client Credit option that allows our clients to apply for financing for their attorney fees. If approved, this service allows you the option to pay the fees later over a period of 6 to 24 months. In some circumstances, alternative payment plans may be available.
How can I make a payment?
Clients may make payments via cash, check, and credit/debit card. To pay online, select the Lawpay option on our website (or by clicking here). You may also apply for financing at this link by selecting the “Pay Later” option and completing the application.