Co Parenting on the Spookiest Night of the Year
Halloween: This holiday is one of the most anticipated of the year for parents and children alike. Trunk or Treat? The traditional door-to-door outing? Then, there's the costume decision--you know it changes at least three times--a princess? A jedi? A dragon? A ninja? A ninja-princess-dragon? Your kids relish the magic of this night, the one night a year that seems mysterious and full of sugar. They have time with their parents, and, like a true adventure, in full costume. For divorced parents and their children, this day can be more like a nightmare than any adventure usually holds, but co parenting doesn't have to be that spooky.
Who doesn’t want to post pictures on Instagram of their kids reveling in a late night full of candy and spooks? What parent doesn’t want to hold their children’s hands and have admiring passerby comment on your costumed cutie with their bag of goodies?
Who doesn’t want to watch those angelic faces sleeping after an exhausting evening (hopefully followed up by some hot chocolate or apple cider and a candy binge)?
No parent wants to miss out. But which parent gets the honor after the divorce? Typically, parents try to either stick to the visitation schedule or somehow split the holiday; Many schools and churches have other options, too, so maybe you can both have an independent adventure with your child.
The best solution – when possible – is to go as a family. Of course, this should only be the case if you and your ex can get along during this time period. Another solution is to have the parent taking the kids out, to also stop at the other parent’s home so the children can see mom or dad, get candy, have pictures taken, and share their experience with the other most important adult in their little lives.
Halloween is a big deal for kids. It's a big deal for the parents during and after a divorce. There's something about a divorce that can make a parent realize just how precious time with their child truly is and they make the most of the moments. Try your best to work around the bitterness and hurt divorce can cause. Co parenting isn't easy, but communicating what your children want and need can be the way to bridge the divide a divorce can cause. Try to find the right solution so your kids can have the happiest Halloween possible. Be safe, and enjoy your little trick-or-treat-ers in all their wonder during the fun of the evening.