Divorce and Men's Health
A toxic environment benefits no one. It doesn’t benefit the kids, the dog, the houseplant -- even the cat. Divorce sometimes is the best solution to such an environment, but how you handle life after divorce can have a massive impact on your health. Listen up, dudes. This blog goes out to you.
Society expects men to carry on after a divorce. Somehow, men are seen as tough and fairly inexpressive when it comes to feelings. Men feel pressure to stay stoic, when emotionally they feel the same loss as their former spouses and children might. Studies show men who divorce are more likely to have some pretty serious health issues. Cancer, heart disease, alcoholism, and depression all top the list of concerns. These issues, largely, can be traced back to the psychological effects of divorce. Men aren’t robots. They do not have hearts of stone, however much an ex might insist. Repressing emotions or engaging in risky behaviors all can lead to health issues: depression, alcoholism, drug abuse. Guys, feel the feelings. You don’t have to pretend they aren’t there; you don’t have to find temporary fixes in order to be be “manly.”
Don’t go clubbing. Don’t date before you are ready. Don’t turn into a workaholic.
It does not make you weak. It strengthens you.
Find your hurting ego and spend time building your sense of self. Focus on what makes you a good dad. Find pride in a skill. Discover new things about yourself and let go of the past. That hurting ego? It’s the past trying to dominate your future. Man up and face your pain, work through it, and move forward to a better version of the guy you left behind. Your future is important and neglecting yourself can have serious consequences on your health and, thus, your future.
Here are some blogs where you can read about others experiencing divorce and how they handle difficulties:
Don’t neglect your health. Take care of your body by taking care of your psyche. Remember, things are about to get better. If you have questions call, email, or text our offices.
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