End of the Year Countdown
The time surrounding a divorce is chaotic. Even after everything seems to settle, life does not proceed in the same fashion to which you were accustomed: jobs change, schedules double in complexity, households expand while they subtract, activities shift. But kids still have school. They continue to go away from their homes to an environment that is untouched by the divorce, but certainly is affected. If your child is dealing with all that divorce throws at the young, it’s best to check in now with teachers and staff to see how your young one is handling a new life and the responsibilities of school. Here are a few important ways to check in on your child as your end of the year countdown begins.
Students experiencing divorce, on any level, experience a shake in their security, their stability. Your child’s teacher has the ability to be a kind of barometer. The teacher will notice a shift in your student’s performance and interest level, and they can often pinpoint when it took place. A teacher can monitor performance and keep a close eye on your child during the months of peak vulnerability. Ask now, before the academic year ends, about your child’s academic performance. There’s still time to save grades if they are struggling; there’s time to catch other issues as well.
Again, your child’s teacher sees them more than you do on a weekly basis. During the evenings and on the weekends, your child might not manifest possible behavior issues because of the difference in environment and activity; however, if your child seems more angry, this points to depression. Consult a child therapist for warning signs that your child is struggling, talk to the teacher and staff, and keep communication open for dialogue.
It’s easy for parents to be wrapped up in their work, social lives, the pressures of living (bills, shopping for food, appointments), and the additional responsibility after divorce. If an issue arises, it doesn’t need to be divorce, let the school and the teachers know. They have plenty of things to think about, but your child is one of them. Communication even during the good times is important. Establish a relationship of some kind with the schools. Be involved as much as you can. Take an interest. This can make a huge difference in your child’s life.
Don’t neglect to check on how your child’s school life is holding up after a divorce. The signs of can be there, good or bad. If they are good, take note, celebrate it, keep up the good fight of parenting. If there are issues, there’s still time to intervene before summer, and summer can be a time to reboot before the new year. If you have questions, we are glad to help. It’s about to get better.