Reliable Attorneys

How to Find a Reliable Lawyer

As the new year quickly approaches, many individuals are in search of an attorney to represent them for an impending court case. However, the holidays are a hectic time — lawyers are usually busy at any given time of year, but especially so during the winter holiday season.

That doesn’t mean you can’t find reliable representation, but it does mean that you may have to wait for an initial consultation. But time is of the essence, so you need to make sure to select a reliable attorney who can help with your case.

What To Look For When Selecting An Attorney

There are multiple factors involved when choosing a lawyer for your case. You shouldn’t go to a podiatrist for help with chest pain, and likewise, you shouldn’t seek a family law attorney if you were affected by medical malpractice.

#1: Category of Court Case

If you are fighting a divorce or seeking child custody, you’ll need a family law attorney. These law professionals have extensive knowledge on family law cases and know what evidence you’ll need to provide to the court to prove your point.

Here’s a real life anecdote: A man going through a divorce and child custody case needs a lawyer, but doesn’t want to pay much for their services. He hires a lawyer who is a well-known real estate attorney.

Do you see the problem? A real estate attorney will have little experience in family court. They may have studied and researched family law during school, but the majority of their courtroom appearances were regarding property law and real estate dealings.

Couple Upset

So what ended up happening in our anecdote? The wife received alimony and full custody of their children, despite being without legal representation. The man selected a lawyer who didn’t have experience in the field he needed representation in and this decision may have hurt him during his court proceedings.

#2: Client Testimonials

In this day in age, the internet is our friend! While researching possible attorneys for your court case, it’s important to look at their online reviews. One or two negative reviews could be a sign of jaded clients who didn’t receive the outcome they desired in court — but significant negative feedback could be a sign of an unreliable lawyer.

Facebook, Instagram, and all the other social media sites should be reviewed before hiring a lawyer. But some attorneys will list their reviews on their personal website, which is worthwhile investigating. Hickey & Hull displays client feedback on our website, so you can see how other people have responded to our legal services.

#3: Communication

All good lawyers will work on their client’s case and communicate efficiently. However, an attorney’s job is never done. There is always something to work on, which makes responding to individual clients challenging at times.

But Hickey & Hull always tries to be transparent. Take a look at this blog from one of our founders, Kevin Hickey, regarding “What Does My Lawyer Do All Day?” This blog post illustrates the weekly workings behind our law firm and explains what to do (and what not to do) when it comes to communicating with an attorney.

Attorney and Assistant

Remember, lawyers are constantly working on multiple court cases. Your legal professionals may not always respond within an hour or even a day. Here’s what Kevin Hickey has to say:

If your lawyer is in court all day, or has been in meetings with clients or other lawyers all day, or needed uninterrupted time to prepare for court, then phone calls will likely not be returned on the same day you left the message - simple as that.  But if you are leaving messages for your lawyer over several days, and neither he nor his assistant are calling you back with information, then that's a problem.

Emails are even harder for attorneys to keep up with unless you’re delivering photo evidence attached to the message. If you have an urgent matter, it’s best to contact your attorney’s office directly.

Ready To Schedule A Consultation? Hickey & Hull Can Help

Take a look around our website, client testimonials, and court cases our law professionals have encountered. Our paralegals and attorneys are available to assist any clients who need legal representation, but the more time we have to prepare for the court case, the better.

Don’t wait — find an attorney to represent you in the new year. If you’re interested in scheduling with Hickey & Hull, contact us today and discover how our professionals can help support your upcoming court case.