Preparing for a Personal Injury Case
If you have been injured and believe that you may be entitled to compensation, you will want to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your rights and entitlements. But even before meeting with an attorney there are actions you can take in order to prepare your case. Throughout the course of your case, you can assist your attorney by providing relevant and helpful information. Doing so early on can benefit your counsel and expedite your case. Here are some things you can do to prepare for your case:
- Have copies of medical bills and receipts. These will assist your attorney in assessing the damages for the case and also be important for proving damages in court.
- Document your injuries. The best way to do this is usually by taking photos. If you have an injury that is internal or not immediately apparent, then you may need to document in other manners (e.g. keeping daily notes, visiting a doctor/therapist).
- Gather contact information for witnesses. Your attorney can assist in this area, but if you have a friend, family member, neighbor, etc. with information about your injuries, then you can expedite the process by providing their contact information to your attorney. It is also beneficial if you advise them that your attorney may be contacting them.
- Get copies of relevant medical records. Your attorney can assist in retrieving complete medical records. But the process can move forward faster if you already have copies of the medical records to provide at the start.