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About False Abuse Allegations

False allegations of child abuse can and do utterly destroy the lives of both the falsely accused and the children they are wrongly accused of harming.

In my experience, most cases of false abuse allegations arise in one of two contexts:

1. In the midst of a custody battle, one parent may raise such allegations in order to gain a strategic advantage over the other parent.

2. Occasionally, over-zealous or improperly motivated CPS (Child Protective Services) personnel may initiate proceedings, even in the absence of actual evidence.

I have successfully represented clients in both contexts. My experience has included defense against the charges directly or in the context of a custody battle, as well as filing and prosecuting civil rights cases against CPS and other investigating or charging agencies based on section 1983 of Title 42 of the United States Code.

If you’d like to receive a free report on how to defend against false charges of child abuse and receive our monthly newsletter on CPS and false abuse issues, enter your name and email in the form on the right side of this page and click “Submit.”

Our reports — one geared towards attorneys and one towards individuals facing false charges — will be emailed to you when they are ready. You can unsubscribe at any time, and we will never send you spam, or sell or give away your information to anyone else.

I have added two resources to this site — one for attorneys, and one for individuals. For divorce lawyers, I have compiled a list of “do’s and don’ts” when false abuse charges are levied in custody & divorce litigation. For individuals, I’ve written a primer on basic Constitutional rights in the context of an abuse investigation and what those rights mean at a practical level.

I am available for consult on false/wrongful allegation cases. If you are an individual in Arkansas facing such charges, or if you are an attorney in the U.S. with a client against whom allegations have been made, please contact me through this form or at 479.434-2414.

Additionally, you may find this collection of resources about false abuse allegations helpful.