Person taking holiday picture

Budgeting Your Holidays

Facing your finances after divorce might be one of the biggest challenges of the process, and it’s best to get an idea of how your lifestyle will change, and do this as soon as possible--especially during the holidays. Many find their income diminished by up to half after a divorce. Learning to live with a much smaller income depends greatly on a budget. We read over the reviews of the top budgeting apps for 2018, and we are here to share what we found. Each review had a different app as the absolute best, but here are five that appeared on each one. 2019 should bring some updates and new apps to consider, these budgeting apps make managing your money a cinch.



This app has street cred. Mint is part of Inuit, the company involved with TurboTax. Mint not only helps you budget, it also tracks your money. You can easily understand where your money goes every month because your spending can be categorized because debit and credit cards can be linked to this app. The categories help you budget, trim the fat, and alerts for when you go over budget seek to encourage you to stay within your goals.

Personal Capital

If you want an app that also functions as an investment advisor and

budget tracker, then look no further. This app tracks investments, stocks, retirement, and your bank account. This app will compare stock performances as they fluctuate, and investment professionals are available--for a small fee.


This is another app that sorts spending into categories. It is linked to all of your spending, and you can check your bank account(s) via an encrypted connection so that you are always secure. The nice thing about this one is you can check on your daily budget and see how well you’ve done with the spending, and how much you have left.


This app offers cool charts and graphs to help you visualize spending and goals. Like any effective app, this one also is synced to your bank accounts. You can enter certain things manually, and also label your transactions. You can also upgrade if you feel the need for more than what the free app provides, but it’s $14.99.


Another app with nifty visuals of graphs and charts, you can track your expenses, save money, and create new goals. This app has everything right up front for you to see and assess your financial situation.


Spreadsheets on your computer might work just fine for you, but with the busy life of a recently divorced individual, the phone is probably the most efficient form you have of tracking your budget. The app you want depends on services and price, although these are all initially free for basic services. Take control of your finances and rebuild with a budget, savings, and investments. The holiday season makes stretching a shifting budget challenging, but these apps can help keep you on track--ringing in the new year financially strong. Things are about to get better, and we are here to help. Contact us today if you have any questions.