Four Ways to Practice Self-Care
Next to losing a loved one to death, divorce ranks at the top for major life stress. People can fall ill physically due to the stress; they can dip into depression. Caring for yourself is essential during this time, although it seems to be least on your list of priorities.
Hobbies: Investing in yourself is the best way to remember who you are and to learn to love yourself again after the pain of divorce. Rekindle romance with your old hobbies, or find something new for your fresh start. Some hobbies may be inaccessible right now because of social distancing, so it’s a great time to explore new avenues of your personality and interests.
Friendships: Friendships may shift during and after divorce, but the relationships still remaining on the other side of divorce are the ones you know will last. Relationships help us learn about ourselves, give of ourselves, and satisfy the social needs we have as humans. Don’t neglect friendships because they are some of the most reliable and authentic relationships we build. We all need support.
Pampering: Pampering does not have to mean a spa day, it can mean popcorn and watching your favorite show; pampering can be a new candle; pampering can mean you take time to go fishing. Spend some extra time on yourself and order take-out, or grill some lamb. What we mean by “pampering” is, be kind to yourself. Nourish yourself. We all need to rest and relax for a healthy mind and body.
Movement: Movement gets your heart rate up, builds strength, and releases chemicals that make you feel good. Go for a walk, a run, or an outdoor yoga session. Staying healthy creates a healthier mindset and prevents disease--plus it boosts your confidence.
Divorce can wreck your self-confidence. It can deplete your energy. It can cause an enormous amount of stress. These four aspects of self-care will greatly benefit you: Be sure that you take the time to care for yourself in all the essential areas. Do things you love, spend time with those who support you and make you laugh, treat yourself every once and a while, and take care of your body. It’s about to get better, and we’re here to help.